1st Asia Patient Innovation Summit

1st Asia Patient Innovation Summit

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

In partnership with Novartis, St. Luke’s Medical Center, International Federation of Psoriasis Association, Cancer Coalition Philippines, and Asian Institute of Management we will be co-hosting the 1st Asia Patient Innovation Summit (APIS). The summit is the product of a coalition of stakeholders with a shared goal of improving health outcomes by respecting, understanding and listening to the patient community perspective.

The event will be held at St. Luke's Medical Centre- Global City in the Philippines.


  •  Feature best practices of Patient Organizations in Asia and encourage other patient organizations to emulate these working models
  • Hold an “ideathon” or brainstorming session to generate innovative ideas on how to improve patient outcomes and ensure patient voice is an integral part of the healthcare system.








Registration and Coffee 


Welcome Message



Improving the Lives of Patients through Global Dialogue

Mr. Jugo Tsumura Country President & Managing Director Novartis Healthcare Philippines, Inc. 


Dr. Ratna Devi Board Member, International Alliance of Patient Organizations

Ms. Ya Hsin Wang Board Member, IAPO 


What is People-centered Healthcare?


Amplifying the Patient Voice: Creating Value for Patients and Society


Bridging the Gap between Innovation and Patient Experience

Bridging the Gap between Innovation and Access 


Open Forum / Q&A 

Dr. Takeshi Kasai Regional Director for Western Pacific Region, World Health Organization (WHO)


Mr. Josef de Guzman Treasurer, International Federation of Psoriasis Association (IFPA) 


Dr. Arturo De La Peña President & CEO, St. Luke’s Medical Center, Philippines


Mr. Jugo Tsumura 


Ms. Kara Magsanoc-Alikpala Co-chair, Cancer Coalition Philippines (Facilitator)

10:30 Group Photo and Coffee Break  

Session I Breakout Session on Ideas Generation to Transform Healthcare

1. Patient Journey in  Healthcare Systems


2. Empowering People for  Better Care: Improved  Health Literacy and  Promotion


Mr. David Palacios Head, Global Pharma Patient Advocacy, Novartis 

Dr. Kenneth Hartigan-Go Head, Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management (ZSDM), Asian Institute of Management (AIM) (Facilitator)

Ms. Joyce Nazario Asst. Vice President & Head for Patient Experience, St. Luke’s Medical Center (Co-facilitator)

Dr. Ma. Dominga Padilla Adjunct Faculty, ZSDM, AIM (Facilitator)

Dr. Edwin Rodriguez Medical Director, Novartis Oncology (Co-facilitator)



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