World Patient Safety Day

World Patient Safety Day

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Patient Safety: a global health priority

Slogan: Speak up for Patient Safety!

This first annual World Patient Safety Day (WPSD) is a moment for the global health community to come together to raise public awareness, understanding and engagement globally of the need to work towards global solidarity and action by all to promote patient safety. 

2019 will be the first year that we are marking WPSD and the day will be celebrated on Tuesday 17th September. The campaign is a result of the WHA7.6 Resolution ‘Global Action on Patient Safety’ passed on May 28, 2019 at the World Health Assembly. The passing of the resolution is a global commitment made by all WHO member states to recognize patient safety as a key health priority and agreeing to take action to reduce patient harm in health care settings.

As part of WPSD 2019, IAPO is calling on all our members, patients, various healthcare organizations, policy-makers, academia, institutions, industry and other health stakeholders to advocate and promote all aspects of patient safety. We want our governments to recognise patient safety as a health priority in health policy and programmes, making it a key component for strengthening healthcare systems to achieve UHC, establish systems to engage and empower patients’ families and communities in delivering safer healthcare and mark World Patient Safety Day annually on 17 September to promote all aspect of patient safety.



Patient Safety: a global health priority

Through this global campaign, we are mobilizing patients, health workers, policy makers, academicians, researchers, professional networks and the health-care industry to “Speak up for Patient Safety!”. We are raising awareness among policy makers, health-care leaders, health workers and other key stakeholders of the need to formulate policies, create a work culture, and provide care where the safety of patients is a priority.

The campaign is also aiming to help patients be more aware and engaged in their own care.   


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