IAPO member Polish Diabetes Association wins award

IAPO member the Polish Diabetes Association was presented with the 2014 International Diabetes Federation Europe Prize in Diabetes last month.
The award ceremony took place at the European Parliament in Brussels on 5 November 2014 during World Diabetes Day celebrations. Andrzej Bauman, President of the Polish Diabetes Association (PDA), was given the prize in the category of Long-Standing Achievement in recognition of more than three decades of relentless effort to improve the lives of people with diabetes and those at risk.
The PDA's achievements include training 500,000 people with diabetes on self-management, healthy diet and active lifestyle over the past 33 years. In the 1990s, the association was also instrumental in making insulin pens and glucometers more widely available.
Several Members of the European Parliament were present at the ceremony. The prize was handed over by the President of IDF Europe Joao Nabais, who was assissted by Marisa Matias MEP, host of the World Diabetes Day events in the European Parliament in Brussels, as well as Isabel de La Mata, Principal Advisory for DG Health and Consumers.
Text provided by Polish Diabetes Association. Photo courtesy of IDF flickr page (https://www.flickr.com/photos/idf/).