Call to help shape 7th Global Patients Congress 2016

Call for applications: join the Advisory Committee for the 7th Global Patients Congress in 2016
Planning has begun for the 7th Global Patients Congress in 2016 and we aim to make it the best yet. Healthcare stakeholders from all over the world will meet, exchange expertise and work together to improve healthcare for patients everywhere. We would like to invite you to share your expertise in developing and shaping our next Congress.
Remit of the Committee
The Committee’s role is to advise on the programme development so that it addresses the overall theme of the Congress. This will include, but not be restricted to:
- Reviewing and sharing ideas on the overall programme
- Recommending themes and session topics
- Developing session formats
- Suggesting speakers and workshop facilitators
- Event enrichment regarding the delegate experience and journey outside of the main programme
How to apply
We hope that many of you will be interested in joining the Committee.
Please fill in this application survey.If you are unable to access this survey please email Rebecca Johnson. Please note: even if you have already expressed interest in being part of the Committee, you must complete the survey above in order for us to consider your application.
The information you provide will help us to select a Committee that is diverse in terms of regional representation, disease area and skills. The Advisory Committee will comprise of up to 15 people (12 member representatives); due to the high level of interest in participation, we may not be able to include all applicants.
This opportunity is open to both IAPO members and non-members. The deadline for completed applications is Friday 20 March 2015. More terms and conditions are available at the start of the survey above.Other opportunities
IAPO will once again invite members to apply to participate in shaping the Congress programme, through a session or presentation. A call for applications will be launched shortly. We will also open a call for member bursary applications soon. Stay tuned for more information.
We hope that you will apply for this important Committee and help us make the 7th Global Patients Congress in 2016 a fantastic success.