Open Call for Congress 2016 presentations

This year's theme
The top priority for many organizations is to improve advocacy and campaigning capability. This year’s Congress will meet those needs and focus on ‘how to boost your reach and impact.’ As a universal membership organization, IAPO’s members come from many different countries and contexts. From the smallest members to the largest, each one brings expertise and experience.
At the Congress, we wish to showcase the best work already going on at many different levels and areas. Delegates will exchange ideas, engage with regional colleagues and draw on the energy and expertise of others to enhance their work.
Presentations of all formats
Applications to be included on a speaker panel will be considered for all formats of presentation including oral presentations, workshops, posters and panel discussions. In particular we are looking for case studies that address one or more of the following areas:
- Patient mobilisation, empowerment and patient advocacy
- Formation and development of cross-sector alliances and partnerships
- Policy-making, policy education and experience of policy instruments (e.g. guidelines, briefing papers, regulations)
- Developing strategies, key messages and effective advocacy campaigns
- Mapping and working with key actors in health (e.g. parliamentarians, academics, professional associations, regulators)
- Working with high-level policy makers or decision-makers
- Developing an effective promotional mix for an advocacy campaign (e.g. mass media, PR, events, digital)
- Direct patient involvement in policy/ influencing work (e.g. expert patients, peer-to-peer work)
How to apply
You can apply via the online application process below.
The open call will close at 12:00 (midday) GMT Friday 6 November 2015. Any applications received after this time will not be included in the selection process. Applications that are considered will be notified of the result by Monday 30 November 2015.
For queries, please contact:
Before applying, please note:
If you are accepted onto the speaker panel, you are still expected to register to attend the Congress in the same way as other delegates. One free place is given to all member organizations and any subsequent registrations or invited guests will incur a fee to cover IAPO’s costs of running the Congress.
Please see the official website for more information on the fees. The bursary applications are now closed so you must be able to secure funding to attend by your own means before you register your place.