7th Global Patients Congress: How to boost your reach and impact

That’s why we are delighted to announce that the 7th Global Patients Congress (Selsdon Park Hotel, London, 9-11 April 2016) will focus on how to boost the reach and impact of patients’ organizations.
As a universal membership organization (accessible globally for all disease areas), IAPO’s members come from many different countries and contexts. From the smallest members to the largest, each one brings expertise and experience.
Showcasing the best work
The 7th Global Patients Congress will showcase the best work that is already going on, at many different levels and areas, and will also provide delegates with many opportunities to exchange information and ideas, engage with regional colleagues and draw on the energy and expertise of others to enhance their work.
In addition to members’ perspectives, specialist keynote speakers will present cutting edge insights and new approaches to take discussions into new directions: whether exploring the use of legislative frameworks to promote Universal Health Coverage, or how to ‘play the long game’ for lasting and significant change.
Registrations will open in October. This event is currently open only to IAPO members and invited guests. Please contact carol.stevenson@novusmem.co.uk if you would like to be considered for an invitation or for any other query.
More information
See our Global Patients Congress homepage for more.