Personalised Cancer Care Alliance launches first position paper in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Personalised Cancer Care Alliance launches first position paper in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Monday, 6 February 2023

Advances in genomics and personalised medicine show us that not all cancers are the same, not all patients are the same and therefore a one size fits all cancer care approach is not serving the patient or society well. We must look at alternatives since we can now offer services and treatments that are ‘genomic informed’ and individualised to the patient, based on the patient’s own genetics, their metabolic profile, environment, and habits

It is within this context that the Personalised Cancer Care Alliance (PCCA) has launched a Personalised Cancer Care position paper for the Eastern Mediterranean Region. The PCCA is an alliance of cancer patients, carers and representatives of patient organizations within the WHO Eastern Mediterranean and selected countries from WHO Africa and Europe Region set up to advance health literacy in cancer, advocacy skills and education on personalised cancer care.

This paper was produced by the PCCA with the help and support of IAPO – International Alliance ofPatients’ Organizations, PhRMA, leading scientists in the field, oncologists and most importantlypatients’ organizations and civil society in the region, making it a seminal reference when it comes toPersonalised Cancer Care (PCC) with actual patients’ voices being integrated within the paper.

The position paper is also the first step in the Alliance’s efforts to build back better cancer services post-COVID-19, and promote fast track regulatory and health technology assessment pathways to improved access to innovative cancer medicines and personalised healthcare. 

The paper highlights the current situation in regards to Personalised Cancer Care in the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) Region with thought pieces from scientists and key leaders in the field as well as policy recommendations targeting the overall PCC scene in the region. It provides a comprehensive road map and a way forward to make sure that Personalised Cancer Care will be accessible to all patients in the region even in Low and middle income countries.

This paper is a first of its kind to put Personalised Cancer Care in the spot light while paving the road for patients’ organizations and civil society to advocate and lobby for PCC within their own communities and with policy makers in the EM region.

Personalised Cancer Care has the potential to change not only the way patients receive care, but also their quality of life. PCC is the future of cancer care and we need to act now to ensure we realize this future.


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Learn more about the PCCA