Press and media

The IAPO Board and staff team are deeply saddened to announce that our dear Kawaldip Sehmi passed away on Tuesday 1st August 2023. He will be greatly missed. Our hearts are broken by this sad news as he had so much enthusiasm and excitement for life and his work in promoting patient-centred...
5 July 2023
In this webinar, BETTEReHEALTH and the International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) presented and discussed a number of initiatives around the use and implementation of eHealth related solutions for patient health and safety. An important area of focus was medication safety/traceability...
27 June 2023
Psoriasis Asia Pacific have been dreaming for a long time for the world to focus on people with psoriatic disease in the region and have taken the bold step of organizing an online summit to bridge everyone together. They invite patients, family members, friends, caregivers, and supporters to the...
27 July 2023 to 28 July 2023
As the world’s largest public-private partnership to strengthen ethical business practices in health-related sectors, the Forum will convene senior leaders from government authorities, industry associations and companies, healthcare providers and professional societies, patient organizations, and...
As European health systems recover from a once in a life-time pandemic, these health systems are now coming under new pressure in this post-pandemic transition period to address the backlog of disrupted health services. This presents increased patient and health professional safety risks as ‘burnt...
19 May 2023
Date: Friday 19 May 2023 - Saturday 20 May 2023 Time: 8am - 5:30pm CEST Venue: Maison Internationale des Associations (MIA) in Geneva, Switzerland as a hybrid event Register We are delighted to announce that IAPO's 10th Global Patients Congress (GPC 2023) - "Innovative patient partnerships at the...
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for our upcoming 10th Global Patients Congress (GPC 2023) - "Innovative patient partnerships at the heart of global health advancement" scheduled for 19 - 20 May 2023 at the Maison Internationale des Associations (MIA) in Geneva, Switzerland...
7 April 2023
On 7 April 2023 ̶ World Health Day ̶ the World Health Organization will observe its 75th anniversary. In 1948, countries of the world came together and founded WHO to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable – so everyone, everywhere can attain the highest level of health and...
Advances in genomics and personalised medicine show us that not all cancers are the same, not all patients are the same and therefore a one size fits all cancer care approach is not serving the patient or society well. We must look at alternatives since we can now offer services and treatments that...
The Time is Now: AMATA Calls for the rapid operationalisation of the African Medicines Agency and for regulatory system strengthening to be recognized as a key element of preparedness for future pandemics and post-pandemic recovery On Wednesday, 14 December 2022 the African Medicines Agency Treaty...


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