10th Annual Conference for People Working in Patient and Health Information

Putting theory into practice: How to empower patients through high-quality health information and support, held by the Patient Information Forum
Words like self-management, patient involvement, shared decision-making and patient-centred care are abundant. With the emphasis firmly on the patient, the need for top-quality consumer health information has never been higher. We know you want to rise to the challenge, and find practical solutions to make your information more usable, accessible and patient-led.
So how do you turn all these words into practical ways to help patients feel informed and engaged in their healthcare? The answers can be found at the Annual Conference for People Working in Patient and Health Information.
Why should you attend?
Everyone attending this conference will have a diverse range of opportunities to be inspired, discover good practice and find solutions on topics such as behaviour change, measuring the impact of information, targeting your audience, health literacy, producing health information on a budget and much more.
Our 'Question Time' style Keynote Conversations will allow you to interview our invited guests live on stage by submitting your questions via Twitter, text, email or from the audience. Themed Interactive Shared Learning Zones on key topics - hosted by experts and patients – will enable you to gain practical help and advice and give you the chance to discuss the issues relevant to you, collaborate and come away with practical solutions to take back and implement straight away.
Our 10th Anniversary Conference is about providing practical solutions for everyone working within the field of consumer health information. This is the 2015 conference you can’t afford to miss.
The Royal College of Surgeons of England, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE
Text contributed by Patient Information Forum.