We take part in research projects which put patients at the centre of healthcare.
IAPO is a partner in GetReal, a three-year collaborative European Project by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), which aims to explore getting real-world evidence into the drug development process.
Since 2009, IAPO has been a partner in a European project, the Pharmacoepidemiological Research on Outcomes of Therapeutics by a European Consortium (PROTECT). PROTECT aims to strengthen the monitoring of the benefit-risk of medicines, and IAPO currently supports work on two parts (work packages) of the project.
University of Coimbra - EOLinPLACE
Our research project is about choice and diversity in end of life care pathways.Our teams will work to better understand the places where people are cared for and live in at the end of life. We will interview patients of all ages with life-threatening conditions, their family and caregivers. We will analyse patterns in health and mortality data. We will involve policy-makers and researchers from different parts of the world. We will seek to design and test the first international classification of dying places, grounded on what they mean for individuals.
Learn more: www.eolinplace.com