Compassionate, safe, quality, and humanised healthcare through the Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021 - 2030

Compassionate, safe, quality, and humanised healthcare through the Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021 - 2030

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

A high-level breakfast NSA discussion at the doorstep to the 75th World Health Summit.

Vieux-Bois Restaurant (next Palais des Nations) from 8.00 am CET

The world is still coming to terms with what we witnessed and experienced during the pandemic. The pandemic amplified the existing fault lines in our health systems and took all the compassion, safety, and quality out of healthcare as patients, health worker, carers, and families all struggled to cope with this a once in a lifetime health emergency brought on by the novel Sars-cov-2 virus running rampant in our communities. The pandemic de-humanised our healthcare. The Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-30, adopted by the 74th World Health Assembly last year (2021), aims to achieve a world in which no one is harmed in health care, and every patient receives safe and respectful care, every time, everywhere. 

GPSAP 2021-30 is a great opportunity for all NSA in Official Relationship with the WHO, to even the keel and start working at building back better and bring back the patient safety, quality and above all compassion into our healthcare. It is a time and an opportunity at a high-level to humanise healthcare.  A high-level breakfast meeting has been organised by the International Patients Organizations and our partner non-State Actors in Official relationship to engage with the health ministers who will passing through to the World Health Assembly early that morning.

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