IAPO's side-event at the 72nd World Health Assembly
Health for all: Gene and cell therapies in Universal Health Coverage
Date: Wednesday 22 May 2019
Time: 13:00 - 14:00
Location: International Red Cross Museum (Henry Dunant Room), Avenue de la Paix 17, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Cell and gene therapies are disruptive technologies in the field of healthcare that have the potential to bring great benefits to patients and society overall.
In collaboartion with Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF) and IFPMA (International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations), this event will serve to highlight the impact that gene and cell therapies are having and will have on patients' lives within Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
The event will be an opportunity for us to do the following:- Understand the science behind gene and cell therapies
- Highlight some of the challenges that need to be addressed to ensure access and uptake of these innovative cures and therapies to address unmet needs within UHC,
- Through IAPO member TIF, hightlight the practical impact that gene and cell therapies are having and will have on patients' lives in line with the significant conditional approval of the for the first ever universal cure for β-thalassaemia.
The event will take the form of a panel discussion with representatives from academia, TIF, IFPMA and IAPO. A light lunch will be provided starting from 12:30pm.
This is a free, open event, so please spread the word and extend this invitation to your friends and colleagues. However, please note that IAPO cannot offer financial aid to participants to attend this event.