Resistenza antimicrobica: una minaccia globale. Cosa sapere per meglio affrontarla a livello locale

Active Citizenship Network is glad to invite you on 4 July 2022, from 16:30 to 18:30 CEST to an online training seminar on Antimicrobial Resistance targeted to the Italian leaders of civic and patient associations, citizens, relevant stakeholders interested in the issue. For this reason, the seminar will be realized only in Italian language, without any translation.
The event is realized in the framework of the EU project AMR Patient Alliance – developing educational repository for patient and caregiver awareness of drug resistant infections promoted by IAPO P4PS Observatory and of which Cittadinanzattiva is a part through its European branch Active Citizenship Network. It will consist of a 2-hour training seminar on the topic of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
The main objective is to combat disinformation on the abuse of antibiotics, which represents one of the main global health threats according to WHO; to emphasize the necessity of a good doctor-patient relationship for an appropriate use of antibiotics; to explore the relationship between AMR and new vaccination policies, also exploring the new National Plan to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance (PNCAR) which is being drafted in Italy; to increase the empowerment and awareness of citizens and patients on the phenomenon of antimicrobial resistance and advocate for an increased activism of citizens and patients associations to the issue. To register, please click here. To know more about the programme, please click here (IT language).
For additional information, please contact Maira Cardillo, ACN staff: