Webinar "How to benefit from clinical trials and what happens after them? A patient’s story."
Wednesday, 5 September 2018

This educational webinar is organized by FindMeCure Foundation and Chronic Pain Ireland with the kind support from the International Alliance of Patients' Organizations as a part of the Pain Awareness Month established by the American Chronic Pain Association.
You will benefit from this webinar, if:
- you are a patient having a condition but you are not happy with your current treatment or you have none;
- you are looking to find out more about the treatments in research;
- you are a part of a patient community/organization and want to help your members save their time and efforts.
You will learn:
- how new drugs are being tested and approved and you can have access to them;
- what rights and obligations you have;
- what happens after the clinical trial is completed. A story from a patient who took part in a clinical trial.
More details: