World Alzheimer's Day

World Alzheimer's Day

Wednesday, 21 September 2016
World Alzheimer’s Day (21st of September) was launched in 1994 to mark the 10th anniversary of Alzheimer Disease International (ADI) and has grown significantly since then.  

The day is part of World Alzheimer’s Month – a chance to focus and coordinate global messages on dementia for the media, key stakeholders and policy makers. The decision to introduce the full month was made to enable national and local Alzheimer associations worldwide to extend the reach of their awareness programmes and events. World Alzheimer’s Month is a unique chance to talk about dementia and show that your organisation is part of an international community supporting greater awareness and prevention.   

Remember me

The theme for World Alzheimer's Month 2016 is Remember Me. We encourage people all around the world to learn to spot the signs of dementia, but also not to forget about loved ones who are living with dementia, or those who may have passed away. The impact of World Alzheimer's Month is growing, but the stigmatisation and misinformation that surrounds dementia remains a global problem.

Take a look at a report of 2015's campaign.  

Forthcoming events

There are currently no published events available.