Public consultation on new WHO strategy

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
As you may know, the World Health Organization launched the WHO global strategy on people-centred and integrated health services at the 15th International Conference for Integrated Care that took place in Edinburgh in March 2015 as an interim report.
The Strategy promotes a paradigm shift in the way health services are funded, managed and delivered, and responds to the need to put people at the centre of service delivery and to foster integration across the care continuum. As we all know, this is urgently needed to meet the challenges being faced by health systems around the world, whether in high, middle or low income countries.
The final version of the Strategy will be submitted for discussion at the 138th meeting of the Executive Board to the 69th World Health Assembly in 2016. Before this official submission, we are expecting additional contributions from the WHO Regional Offices and experts in the field to enrich and revise the current interim documents.
Strategy ready for public consultation
It is with great pleasure that I announce that the Strategy is now ready for public consultation. We would like to engage individuals and organizations who have an interest in people-centred and integrated health services, with the aim of undertaking a critical review of the Strategy’s strengths and weaknesses and receiving valuable inputs to help inform its implementation. For this purpose, we have designed an online survey that deals with different sections of the Strategy. The survey will close on 15 July 2015, and the results will be compiled in a report to be published in the coming months. You can find all the information regarding this initiative and the online survey here.
On behalf of the Service Delivery and Safety department, I am pleased to invite you to contribute to this public consultation process. We look forward to your active and enthusiastic involvement and encourage you to spread the message widely in your network.
We thank you very much for your collaboration.
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Edward Kelley Director Service Delivery and Safety World Health Organization