Patient Solidarity Day 2017

Patient Solidarity Day 2017

Wednesday, 16 August 2017
The 2017 Patient Solidarity Day theme is: Patient Empowerment. Thank you to everyone who voted for this year's Patient Solidarity Day theme. Around 60 member organizations from around the world took part in the vote.

Patient Empowerment : The role that patients play in healthcare has changed drastically over the years. Most stakeholders today agree on the fact that patients no longer are - nor do they want to be seen as – mere recipients of health services. Ever more frequently patients are called on to contribute their unique knowledge and expertise to designing and developing those services.

However, meaningful patient engagement in these processes must necessarily rely on adequate patient empowerment strategies. These strategies, in order to be effective, must build on the combination of two key factors:

  1. The creation of realistic and effective opportunities for patients to be involved in and contribute to decision-making;
  2. Patients’ ability to take up capacity building initiatives and develop the skills and knowledge that is needed to have an impact on how health policies are shaped.

By coming together this December, IAPO members and the global patient community will have an opportunity to stress and highlight the message that patient empowerment can be a key driver to making healthcare systems and processes fairer and more patient-centric.


Show your support for Patient Solidarity Day. Find out how to get involved by clicking here.