140th Session of the WHO Executive Board Jan 2017
Sophie Andersson, the Executive Director of our member the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA), attended this Session. She shared her experience on the WHA140 throughout the week on Twitter and Facebook. Her summary will be in the next Newsletter.
The WHO Executive Board is composed of 34 individuals with comprehensive health experience; each Member State has a right to put forward their best candidate to stand elections. The World Health Assembly, comprising all the 194 Member States, then elects the Board for a three-year term.
The Board meets biannually, first in January (the Big Meeting) and later in May immediately after the Health Assembly. The main functions of the Executive Board are to give effect to the decisions and policies of the Health Assembly, to advise it and generally to facilitate its work.
The WHO EB Agenda sets the framework that the World Health Assembly in May and the then the WHO Regional Committees late in autumn (September-October) will follow, tracking each resolution and its implementation to the regions.
Get Apps and Documents here where you can tune in Live to WHO Executive Board or follow on Twitter #EB140. There are very good WHO Secretariat and other expert reports on global health matters. They give you facts and policies that can support your advocacy.