Policy Briefing #5 - Patient Safety

Patient safety is strongly connected with the second key theme of the IAPO 2017 engagement and empowerment plan: access. On the one hand, patient safety represents in itself one of the basic features of patient-centred healthcare. On the other hand, it acquires even more importance when combined with other equally important principles.
This is why access without safety is poor access. Whilst not sufficient, patient safety is a necessary condition for health systems to be said patient centric. This crucial link is well exemplified in the IAPO Declaration on Patient Centred Healthcare, in which, under the fourth principle, access and support, it is claimed that “patients must have access to the healthcare services warranted by their condition. This includes access to safe, quality and appropriate services, treatments, preventive care and health promotion activities”.
Patient safety is today recognised as one of the key policy priorities in global healthcare agendas. IAPO provides an overview of the global and regional policy landmarks in the field of patient safety, looking at them as a crucial opportunity for patient communities to make their voice stronger on this matter.
If you have any questions or comments about the policy briefing, get in touch with Antonio Ciaglia, Policy Manager, antonio@iapo.org.uk
Read the policy briefing on patient safety here.
Related information
- Policy Briefing #1: Patient-Centered Healthcare
- Policy Briefing #2: Patient Information and Health Literacy
- Policy Briefing #3: High quality access to care
- Policy Briefing #4: Patient Involvement in HTA
- IAPO's 2017 Member Engagement and Empowerment Plan