Patients called upon to support a commitment for action on air quality

Patients called upon to support a commitment for action on air quality

Friday, 12 October 2018

On 30th October, WHO will host the First WHO Conference on Air Pollution and Health in Geneva.The conference is in response to a World Health Assembly mandate to combat one of the world’s most significant causes of premature death-air pollution. This conference will look at how air pollution impacts on health and come up with actions that can be taken to change this.

On the back of this, IAPO member, European Lung Foundation (ELF) who have been working on ways to  explain the risk of air pollution to the public and patients was tasked by the WHO conference chair of the planning committee to put together a commitment that medical societies and patient organisations could sign up to in order to push actions forward. The document has been approved and endorsed by the WHO and ELF are now inviting organisations to sign up to it before the meeting in Geneva.

ELF will present this document and those that have signed up to it on the last day of the WHO’s First Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health - 1st November.

We therefore invite you to join other patient organizations and medical societies in calling for action to be taken to ensure the impact that air pollution has on health is addressed. Do this by emailing who will sign you up to the commitment by 25th October.

Read the Committment here.