Take our Global Survey on Access to Healthcare
IAPO is conducting a series of global surveys to shadow and assess the roll out of Universal Health Coverage and factors affecting patients' access to safe, quality, acceptable and affordable healthcare globally. We are inviting you to participate in it.
The level of access to healthcare that a patient enjoys can be assessed at three levels:
- National level: Structural and social factors predetermine the level of access to healthcare for everyone in the country. Under investment in healthcare will affect everyone.
- Regional and local level: Local realities, staff and practice at each clinic, hospital, pharmacy and other healthcare facilities can create pockets of good and bad access. This affects each patient differently depending on where they live (post-code lottery). Also, in the same area, one doctor may be good and the other very poor. It will depend on which clinic you visit. This variability will however be captured in the second IAPO survey.
- Lastly, at an individual level: The patient’s own personal attributes (gender, race, disability etc), skills (general and particular health literacy) and diseases can determine the level of access they experience. Two neighbours experience different levels of access from the same doctor. The same patient with cancer and diabetes may find he gets excellent cancer care, but poor diabetic care. This variability has also been reserved for a much more detailed second survey.
In this first pilot survey, IAPO is looking at the higher levels of national and regional factors to assess how each IAPO member in their own settings and context perceives their access to be. This survey will guide us in developing the second and third level surveys with individual members in different countries and specific to certain diseases to fully determine the level of access to healthcare our members enjoy.
Thank you in advance for your time. The 10-minute survey is an opportunity to share your expertise and view on what works and what doesn't when it comes to access to Universal Health Coverage.
Do take a look, and feel free to share!