World Patient Safety Day

World Patient Safety Day

Wednesday, 19 August 2020
On 17 September 2020, IAPO will be joining the global health community in celebrating World Patient Safety Day (WPSD).

This year will mark the second year we are marking the day after the World Health Organization Member States from all 194 countries endorsed the establishment of the day to be marked annually on 17 September and officially including it on WHO list of health dates on 24 May 2019.

The COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled the huge challenges and serious difficulties health workers are facing worldwide while responding to this unprecedented global public health challenge. The WPSD2020 will be a moment to emphasize the importance of health worker safety as a priority for patient safety. Together with the WHO we urge all partners and countries to develop national and local campaigns based on this global campaign, to support and observe the Day around the world to make it successful, and to commit and taking urgent and sustainable action to recognize health worker safety as a prerequisite for patient safety.

Our GPC 2020 Day 2 is dedicated to the marking of the World Patient Safety Day 2020. The day will examine the call to action for ensuring safety across different dimensions of healthcare and from diverse stakeholders’ perspectives. Our distinguished speakers coming from various backgrounds will provide insight into the available policies and instruments, offer their valued experiences and share their innovative ideas on how to promote safety culture and wove patient safety into every health system’s fabric. 

The campaign aims to mobilize patients, health workers, health leaders, policy-makers, academics, researchers, professional networks, the private sector and health care industry to speak up for health worker safety to improve the safety of health care, and reduce the risk of harm, both to health workers and patients.


Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety


Safe health workers, Safe patients

Call for action:

Speak up for health worker safety! 


About the campaign

The World Patient Safety Day (WPSD) is a campaign for all stakeholders in the health care system to work together to improve patient safety. Its a recognition of the scale of avoidable harm linked with medical errors.

It’s a global commitment made by all WHO member states to recognize patient safety as a key health priority and agreeing to take action to reduce patient harm in health care settings.

It is all about getting global healthcare actors involved in:

  • Scaling up concerted global action on patient safety
  • Putting measures in place to reduce avoidable patient harm
  • Sharing awareness in patient safety in care settings
  • Raising awareness amongst the public and media on key issues relating to patient safety
  • Experimenting new ideas to improve patient safety
  • Helping patients to contribute to their own safety


Resources to help you get involved
Tools for this year’s WPSD campaign are now available for everyone to download  from the WHO World Patient Safety Day web page.
These tools are designed to help everyone get involved in the campaign, whether online (e.g. on social media) or offline (e.g. by lobbying national Health Ministries or engaging the media) in our united call for global patient safety.