Early Bird Tickets for GPC2020 still on sale until 28th February 2020!
You only have just a few short days to book your early bird tickets with the deadline of the 28th February fast approaching. Join us for our special 21st anniversary Congress and celebrate our coming of age!
Three free places for all IAPO member organizations*
As a member of IAPO your organization is entitled to three free places to attend the Congress, but please note that places are strictly limited. So even though you are entitled to a free place, please register as soon as possible or you might not be able to secure a place. *Three free places is given to all member organizations whose membership status is up to date and any subsequent registrations or invited guests will incur a fee to cover IAPO’s costs of running the Congress. Please see more information here.
The theme Innovative healthcare: co-planning, co-designing & co-delivery celebrates how patient engagement and co-creation has been institutionalised in health systems de jure and de facto in many countries. The congress programme has something for everyone comprising of inspirational sessions, plenaries and keynotes that will stimulate, enthuse and inspire attendees. Click here to view our full congress programme or to book your early bird ticket today. We hope that you can join us at this year’s congress. If you have any queries regarding the conference, please contact the GPC 2020 support team at gpc2020support@conferencecare.com or call 02476 369 596.
Interested in supporting this event?
There are many different sponsorship opportunities available for this event to suite individual needs and budgets. Please get in touch with GPC2020support@conferencecare.com to register your interest and find out more.