Announcing the GPC 2020 Call To Action

Announcing the GPC 2020 Call To Action

Friday, 18 September 2020
On 16 -17th September 2020, over 1200 patient advocates from 101 countries came together for the virtual 9th Global Patients Congress (GPC 2020) under the theme co-creation in innovative healthcare during Covid-19.

Arising from the event, was the following call to action:

The 9th Global Patients Congress 2020 resolves in national unity and global solidarity, endorsing in acclamation, the global patient community pledge:

  • To urge every World Health Organization Member State to engage their whole of patient community within their whole-of-government and whole-of-society efforts to control and eliminate the COVID19 Pandemic;
  • To urge full implementation of the World Health Assembly Resolution 73.1 and request that every Member State during the current pandemic provides equitable and appropriate protection for their populations, in particular people with pre-existing health conditions, other vulnerable groups, as well as groups at risk, including health professionals, and other frontline workers;
  • To urge full implementation of the WHA Resolution 72.6 and request each Member State to secure sufficient funding and support for ensuring necessary health system capacity that will provide access to safe and quality care for everyone, in normal state or in an emergency, respecting patient centricity and equity, leaving no one behind; and
  • To urge Member States to engage expert-patients in research, policy formulation and implementation, so to better respond to their needs.

We pledge for a patient-centred healthcare system with the patient being not only its user, but a contributor and a co-creator to its development for better, more accessible,  affordable, dignified, quality and safe care.

Nothing about us without us!