Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021-2030 officially launched

IAPO is pleased to have represented the patient voice on the occasion, where Dr Ratna Devi (IAPO Board Chair) highlighted the role of patients in the implementation of the Plan. We were also pleased to have contributed to the development of this global initiative, with our Chief Executive, Kawaldip Sehmi, having attended the consultation sessions. You can learn more about the journey to make the Plan a reality by reading Dr Neelam Dhingra’s (Unit Head of the Patient Safety Flagship Programme) presentation.
We welcom the Global Patient Safety Action Plan 2021–2030 vision of a world in which no one is harmed in health care, and every patient receives safe and respectful care, every time, everywhere by driving forward policies, strategies and actions, based on science, patient experience, system design and partnerships, to eliminate all sources of avoidable risk and harm to patients and health workers.
The plan which is built on 6 guiding principles and 7 strategic objectives is a solid basis from which all health stakeholders will be able to promote a culture of patient safety at all levels globally. It will also serve as an umbrella framework providing strategic direction for concrete actions to be taken by countries and their care facilities to improve patient safety for the next 10 years.
About the plan
The action plan outlines priority actions to be taken by governments, civil society, international organizations, intergovernmental organizations, WHO and, most importantly, by health care facilities across the world. WHO will work in cooperation with Member States in the development of their respective implementation plans, according to their national context.
Guiding principles
- Engage patients and families as partners in safe care
- Achieve results through collaborative working
- Analyse and share data to generate learning
- Translate evidence into actionable and measurable improvement
- Base policies and action on the nature of the care setting
- Use both scientific expertise and patient experience to improve safety
- Instil a safety culture in the design and delivery of health care
- Policies to eliminate avoidable harm in health care
- High-reliability systems.
- Safety of clinical processes
- Patient and family engagement
- Health worker education, skills and safety
IAPO's next steps
As a champion of this once in a lifetime document to build back better healthcare for all patients, IAPO will be convening a multistakeholder group to further support the implementation. We will share further details shortly.