60 Seconds with...Orajitt Bumrungskulswat, Heart to Heart Foundation

Each month we will be interviewing an IAPO member in six short questions. They will be featured in our newsletter and the website.
Our featured member of the month is Orajitt Bumrungskulswat, Assistant Secretary General at the Heart to Heart Foundation in Thailand. Orajitt answered a few questions for us.
1.Describe your role at the Heart to Heart Foundation in a sentence:My role at the HHF is as a committee member in the position of Assistant Secretary General.
2. I do what I do because…
I want to benefit the patients in order to improve their quality of life, support healthcare officers by helping to reduce their work load and have better understanding between the patient and the healthcare provider.
3. Why does the Heart to Heart Foundation exist?
It started as a memorial to the First Secretary General of the National Health Security Office who passed away due to lung cancer. The Foundation continues his intention to humanize healthcare and patient-centred healthcare in the healthcare services.
4. What is your biggest achievement as an organization in the past year?
The emergence of the National Patient Support Network/center, which helps with high cost disease patients in order to develop patient-centred healthcare.
5. What does patient-centred healthcare look like to you?
Patient-centred healthcare in my idea must involve patients in the healthcare service, support/advocate health education to the patient and listen to the patient voice to humanize healthcare.
6. What do you think is the key benefit of being involved with IAPO and a global alliance for patients?
The key benefit is to gain knowledge internationally from IAPO, being part of global alliance for patients and becoming a network with both of them.