TB REACH’s initiative call for proposals is now open

The Stop TB Partnership’s TB REACH initiative is a multi-lateral funding mechanism which provides a platform for testing innovative, gender-sensitive approaches and technologies aimed at increasing the number of people diagnosed and treated for TB, decreasing the time to appropriate treatment and improving treatment success rates. It combines fast-track, results-based financing and rigorous, external monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to produce results, so national government, the private sector and other donor agencies can scale-up successful approaches and maximize the impact of their own investments.
Please submit your Stage 1 Application online by Tuesday 28 November 2017 at 23:59 GMT. A Stage 1 application includes a general description of the proposed activities as well as the organizational capacity and track record to implement and deliver against set timetables. After being reviewed by the independent Proposal Review Committee (PRC) in January 2018, successful Stage 1 applicants will be invited to develop and submit a more detailed Stage 2 application in February / March 2018. Final funding decisions are expected in May 2018.
Through Wave 6, we have to be even bolder and more ambitious. We want to invest in innovative approaches to bring us closer to the 90-(90)-90 targets as set out in the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020,” said Dr Lucica Ditiu, Executive Director of the Stop TB Partnership.
About Wave 6 Call for Proposals
100 countries are eligible to submit applications which fit under the following categories:
- Improving detection, linkage to treatment and reporting of TB
Area of focus: engaging private healthcare providers (concept note)
- Improving TB treatment adherence and outcomes
Area of focus: digital adherence technologies (concept note)
- Special Funding: Developing innovative resources and materials to aide TB service delivery
This call for proposals is well timed to collaborate with the Global Fund’s Strategic Initiative for TB in 12 priority countries. TB REACH has developed an information note to guide applicants about how to link to Global Fund’s Catalytic Investment for TB with Wave 6 funding.
All information about the call for proposals can be found on the Stop TB Partnership website.
Here at IAPO we are willing to lend out support in case you need help with drafting the proposals so please do let us know.