Registration for the virtual GPC 2020 is now open and free

Registration for the virtual GPC 2020 is now open and free

Wednesday, 12 August 2020
The global health community is invited to register for the 9th Global Patients Congress (GPC 2020), to be held virtually as a two day event from 16 - 17 September 2020!

First established in 2005, the Congress is IAPO's bi-annual event which brings together patient advocates, policy makers, civil society, industry and academia to share ideas, explore solutions, and discuss the future of patient-centred healthcare.

This year's theme, Co-creation in Innovative Healthcare during COVID-19 will provide a platform for patients advocates together with the wider global health community to engage in focused discussion on health systems strengthening and preparedness through patient led and co-created innovative solutions whilst reflecting upon the impact of the pandemic on the global patient community and health systems.

With day 2 of the virtual GPC 2020 coinciding with the World Patient Safety Day, whose theme is 'Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety', the day's programme has been designed to highlight the theme so aptly underscored by the COVID-19 pandemic that without health worker safety, there can be no patient safety.   

You can find all information about GPC 2020 including the programme, theme description, FAQs and so much more on the official congress page:!

We hope that you will be able to join us at the virtual GPC 2020 and add your voice to the global patient movement.

#GPC2020 #WorldPatientSafetyDay

Register Now!