Building the IAPO membership community in 2021
2020 was a turning point for us at IAPO, where the COVID-19 pandemic and all its lessons gave us an opportunity to review, adapt and improve our work, and more importantly strengthen the IAPO membership community.
We worked hard last year to amplify the patients’ voice at various fronts - please read our 2020 highlights. For 2021, we have further ambitious plans, which incorporate insights from a consultation we held with members, and have big news to announce regarding membership opportunities at IAPO. Among others, 2021 is the year where we will put into motion the:
- Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) to assist us in the planning, coordination and implementation of all activities related to policy and scientific work of IAPO.
- Patient Academy for Research and Innovation (PAIR), a centre of excellence for designing, developing and delivering capacity building initiatives aimed at ensuring that patients are equipped with the necessary skills to advocate for patient-centred universal health coverage.
- Patients for Patient Safety Observatory - P4PSO, the single-point global platform for gathering and analysing patients’ expertise and experience to feed into national, regional and global policies aimed at improving patient and quality of care for patients by the patients.
Also, in an effort to make IAPO more inclusive and sustainable, we are thrilled to announce that we have:
- exempted all our members' 2020 membership fees as a way to recognise your efforts during the pandemic.
- developed a Fee Waiver policy to encourage those deserving patient groups interested in being part of our alliance but are struggling to pay for fees. Organizations must meet specific criteria to apply for a fee waiver, and these will be reviewed annually by our Membership Committee.
- created the Affiliated Member category which applies to members of a parent umbrella group or alliance that is a Full Member of IAPO. This free membership comes with restricted rights and can only be enjoyed by those who are approved by their own umbrella group and alliance.
- reviewed our fees structure, and simplified the annual payment: we are now only working with one currency (USD $ - American dollars), and two payment methods (bank transfers and PayPal).