Join the 1st Virtual Latin American Patients Congress - 16 June 2022

This year's theme is “Innovation, Good Governance and Equity in Latin American Health Systems through Patient Engagement, Insight and Co-production”. It will provide a platform for patients advocates together with the wider regional health community to engage in focused discussion on health systems strengthening and preparedness through patient led and co-produced innovative solutions with the aim of contributing to the colossal effort being made by Latin American countries to eliminate the pandemic and build back better.
This will be a unique opportunity to hear from patients, patient advocates, carers, government and policy makers, healthcare professionals, academia, researchers, regulators and industry on how we can all contribute in building back better in Latin America.
You can find all information about LAPC 2022 including the programme and theme description,on the official congress page.
We hope that you will be able to join us at the virtual LAPC 2022 and add your voice to the global patient movement in the Latin American region.