
IAPO Americas is an online platform which provides patients’ organizations from across the region of Latin America with up-to-date, evidence-based information on the science, technology and regulatory information relevant to biological and biosimilar medicines.
The first anniversary of the Consensus Framework for Ethical Collaboration, between patients’ organizations, healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical industry, was marked on the fringes of the 135th World Health Organization Executive Board meeting in Geneva, on 26 January 2015.
IAPO members in Chile have been involved in the introduction of a new law to cover the treatment of high cost diseases.
Each month we will be interviewing an IAPO member in six short questions. Our member of the month is Evelyn Azucena de Aguirre, President of the Asociacion Psoriasis Nueva Vida El Salvador.
News release: Growing support for shared ethical principles from healthcare and medicines providers
The World Health Organization (WHO) has nominated IAPO Governing Board member Mr. Hussain Jafri as the Vice Chair of the Advisory Group of WHO's Patients for Patient Safety programme ( PFPS ) .
On 6 December 2014, patients’ organizations from around the world, from Poland to Pakistan, from Nigeria to Chile stood in solidarity and called for truly patient-centred healthcare available to all, under the theme of ‘One voice. United. Universal’.
Our new strategic plan, 'Leading, advancing, empowering – IAPO’s Strategic Plan 2015-2017' is now available. Our theme will continue to be universal health coverage .
Each month we will be interviewing an IAPO member in six short questions. They will be featured in our newsletter and the website. Our featured member of the month is Orajitt Bumrungskulswat, Assistant Secretary General at the Heart to Heart Foundation. Orajitt answered a few questions for us.
IAPO representatives shared the patient voice at four WHO Regional Committee meetings during 2014.
